Monday, 11 August 2014

Most Helpful Tips for working ladies

Most Helpful Tips for working ladies

Working women out there! Do not forget that your health is as important as your work and family are. It is not necessary that you should schedule your time for visiting  gym or plan for a conscious diet. All you need to do is just spend a few minutes of your time to revitalize your energy. I think all these things are quite easy and also go a long way in building good health.
1. Drink plenty of water everyday to lubricate your body cells. Now, find a perfect water bottle that will find a place in your work desk.
2. Let some green vegetables be a part of your diet. Packing some carrots and other salad for snack not just saves your time, but also add up to your nutrients.
3. Avoid those attractive but junk stuffs; i know this is one of the difficult things to do. Yet, try your best to keep away from it!
4. Never skip your breakfast! This is the biggest mistake which almost every working woman do ( even I am no exception). Try filling up your tummy with some healthy and easy to prepare food like oat meals, eggs etc.
5. Grab a glass of milk everyday. Calcium content is a must for any working woman to keep up her energy levels.

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