Tuesday, 19 August 2014

15 Tips to Fall Asleep, Stay Asleep, and Wake Refreshed

How many times have you collapsed into bed at night and found yourself too exhausted to sleep? Doesn't seem to make much sense -- you're feeling so tired, but your body does not seem to want to relax and allow you to fall into the sleep you so desperately need. Your mind is a whirlwind of all the things you wanted to get done that day and didn't accomplish. Tomorrow's "to-do list" keeps getting longer with each passing minute.
You are locked into a catch-22. If only you had more energy during the day, you would be more efficient and get more done. But if you cannot sleep at night, how in the world will you have the energy? There are so many reasons why you might be having difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep soundly, but rather than wrack your brain trying to figure it out, try some of these tips and see if the problem resolves itself.
1. Get the number of hours of sleep each night you need to function optimally. Although it varies, most individuals need between seven and eight hours of sleep every night. When sleep-deprived, you are less efficient and focused during the day, and may be leaving yourself open for health risks as well. Research has shown sleep deprivation can affect appetite, weight gain, diabetes risk, the strength of your immune system and even your chance of developing depression. If you have been trying to get by on less sleep, try backing up bedtime by 15 minutes each week, until you are getting the amount of sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed in the morning.
2. Create a calming atmosphere in your bedroom. If your room is cluttered with work, books that have not been read, papers to attend to, and dirty laundry, it will be a constant reminder of all you need to do. Take 15 minutes each day and begin clearing the clutter and making your room one you will look forward to relaxing in at the end of each day.
3. Make your bed in the morning. A straightened bed is so much more appealing to go to at night then one that is a jumble of sheets and blankets.
4. Reserve your bed for sleep and sex only. This will allow your mind to associate your bed with rest and relaxation only. Watch TV, use your computer, talk on the phone, and eat somewhere else.
5. Create a calming nighttime ritual. Turn off your computer, shut the TV, and do not answer your phone for an hour before you want to go to sleep. Choose activities you find calming. Take a warm bath, read a magazine or novel, have some decaffeinated tea or cookies and milk.
6. Keep your bedroom cool at night. For most individuals, 65 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit will allow the dip in core body temperature you need to induce sleep.
7. Avoid caffeine in the later afternoon and evening. Caffeinated coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate and sugar-laden snacks can all keep you too wired to fall asleep at bedtime.
8. Avoid late night workouts. Exercise is a great sleep aid, but a vigorous workout too late in the day may keep you up at night. However, a leisurely walk after dinner could be just the thing to calm your body and mind.
9. Avoid alcohol and spicy foods in the late evenings. Although a nightcap may help you fall asleep, you will probably experience fragmented sleep, and find yourself wide-awake within a few hours. Steer clear of spicy foods or anything you know causes you heartburn or gastric distress.
10. If an evening party or celebration finds you consuming wine or cocktails, drink plenty of water throughout the evening, and keep a water bottle by your bedside. This way, if you do wake up dehydrated, you will not need to get out of bed.
11. Spend a few minutes creating your "to do list" and preparing for the next day. This will allow your mind to know everything is ready and your morning will be calmer as well.
12. Keep a pad and pen by your bedside. If you wake in the middle of the night, and your mind is racing with thoughts of things you neglected to do, or need to get done, writing them down will release your mind from worrying about forgetting in the morning, allowing you to drift back to sleep.
13. If you have not fallen asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed and find a relaxing spot to read. Do not use your technology or watch TV, do anything that requires brain work, or look at a clock. Any of these will stimulate you and increase your anxiety. As soon as you feel sleepy, return to bed.
14. Eliminate or reduce afternoon naps to a maximum of 30 minutes, regardless of how little you slept the night before. Napping too late in the day or for too long can set you up for another sleepless night and a vicious cycle.
15. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day no matter how much sleep you had the night before. The closer you can keep to a routine, the more your body will recognize and respond appropriately to your bedtime and wake up hours. Don't attempt to make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping in all weekend.
Focus your energy on one tip for an entire week, adding one each week once the previous ones feel like habit. Notice whether or not you are falling asleep easier and sleeping more soundly. If you are still feeling exhausted and sleep deprived, talk to your doctor. Chronic insomnia, sleep apnea (a breathing disorder that causes sleep disturbance) or restless leg syndrome (leg pains that lead to frequent movement while asleep) are all treatable with professional help.
With some small changes in your habits and routines, you will notice big changes in your quality of sleep. As a result, rise and shine will take on a new meaning.
Thanks for reading .....

How to Weight Lose quickly

It’s only natural to want quick weight loss results once you make the commitment to shed a few pounds or more. But this is one area in which slow and steady is the way to go. “Permanent weight loss can only be achieved when one makes a lifestyle change,” says Peter Vash, MD, MPH, executive director of Lindora Medical Clinics in Costa Mesa, Calif. and assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA’s Center for Health Sciences in Los Angeles. Eating a healthful diet and sweating it out regularly are the best ways to reach your weight-loss goal. But here’s how to make those two pound-shedding tools work to your advantage.

Hold Yourself Accountable

One key to achieving healthy weight loss is to use your scale. “Weighing yourself is an important part of any weight loss program as it helps to hold you accountable and keep you on track,” says Dr. Vash. How often you do so is up to you — within reason. Vash recommends weigh-ins at least once a week — around the same time of day — and not more often than once or twice a day. Keep in mind small variances in the number on the scale can occur because of water retention or dehydration.

Sweat It Out

While we’d all like to snap our fingers and be instantly slim, it takes time and effort to see results — especially when it comes to exercise. At a minimum, adults should get 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity, coupled with two or more days of strength training all muscle groups to boost your weight-loss efforts. Exercise is crucial for both healthy weight loss in the short-term and maintaining a slimmer silhouette in the future.
Get Some Support
Emotional support from family and friends can go a long way toward encouraging you to reach your weight-loss goal. If you’re in charge of the grocery store runs, rather than loading up on chips and cookies at the supermarket, buy fruits, vegetables, and whole grains — and convert the whole family to eating a healthy diet. Support groups are another great option to help you stay on track. Ask your doctor for a local recommendation or look online for Web-based support groups where you’ll be able to share weight-loss tips.

Fight Food Cravings 

Changing your bad eating patterns is essential. “Giving in to food cravings promotes excess eating,” says Vash. “It is important to remove foods you crave (cookies, sodas, candy, chips, ice cream) from your home and office.” Giving in is a surefire way to slow down the weight loss process. Instead, opt for healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains, and use strategies to help stop a craving in its tracks. When your sweet tooth strikes, try to thwart it by drinking water, tea, or coffee with non-fat milk and artificial sugar.

Eat Regular Meals — Don't Starve Yourself

While it may seem counterintuitive for quick weight loss, eating three meals a day is important when trying to shed pounds. Skipping breakfast can lead to excessive hunger, which can sabotage a healthy diet and cause you to overeat later in the day. Consider starting the day off with filling oatmeal or another whole grain cereal to keep you feeling satisfied longer. And don’t try to substitute a snack for a meal — your body will know the difference.

Watch Out for Binge Eating

Binge eating — consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time — will get in the way of reaching a healthy weight. The disorder can be triggered by emotional issues or stress from being on a diet. Try to fight the temptation to overindulge with extra calories, which will only set you back. Instead, try taking a walk, going to the gym, or calling a close friend to get your mind off the desire to eat.

Find a Diet Buddy

Almost everything is more fun with a friend, and that includes shedding pounds. Try to find a buddy to team up with on your quest for healthy weight loss. You can motivate each other by sharing recipes and weight-loss tips and by hitting the gym together. Both of you should keep a food journal as well, which helps encourage you to eat healthy foods. Consider recording a second log of your exercise routines, too.

Avoid Fad Diets

It’s easy to fall for fad diets when looking for quick ways to lose weight. Any diet that promises immediate results with little to no effort should raise a red flag. Also, any eating plan that fixates on a specific type of food, restricts certain foods, or doesn’t consider counting calories should not be a part of a healthy diet.

Set Parameters About Eating

One way to assist in healthy weight loss is to set some rules for yourself. “It is very important not to eat after dinner because that accounts for a large portion of excess weight gain,” says Vash. Avoid grazing and refrigerator-raiding at all costs as well as mindlessly eating while watching your favorite television shows. Also, never eat in the car. Not only will your vehicle be cleaner, but it’ll be that much easier to bypass your favorite fast food drive-thru and stick to your healthy diet.

Watch Your Beverages

Pay attention to what you drink as well as what you eat when looking for boost your weight-loss success. Alcohol, sodas, and even lemonade and juices are full of calories that can undermine a healthy diet. Instead of these sugary beverages, try drinking water (plain or flavored, regular or carbonated), tea, or coffee. Another weight-loss tip: If you do choose to indulge in a glass of juice, try watering it down to reduce calories.

If any more useful tips have you, please share us in comments .....