Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Healthy Food which Improves Mood

A lot of people who are depressed, angry or under stress seek comfort in food. But, instead of an improved mood, the result is often remorse and a few extra pounds. The reason for that is the incorrect general opinion that greasy or junk food provide comfort. Unhealthy food and sweets only provide a short-term mood improvement, but after a while that feeling is replaced by feelings of guilt and sluggishness. Luckily, there is a long list of healthy foods which, among many other benefits, improve mood.

For stress – eat dark chocolate
 Chocolate is definitely the number one comfort food most people reach for when under stress. The good news is, the tranquility you feel even after a few bits of chocolate is not a placebo effect. Dark chocolate contains ingredients which will, in very short time, reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol. Therefore, when you feel under a lot of stress, reach for some dark chocolate and your tasks will get done successfully and on time.

For laziness – eat spinach

If you have a hard time focusing, you feel weak or you can barely keep you eyes open eat some spinach. Spinach contains folic acid which reduces the level of homocysteine, a chemical substance that can damage blood vessels and thus disrupt the flow of blood and nutrients to the brain. As a result, weakened circulation causes increased inertia and problems with memory. Besides spinach, all kinds of green-leafed vegetables help with inertia – potatoes, corn, peas, beans and mushrooms, which are all foods rich in folic acid.

For grumpiness – eat apples and peanut butter

Crankiness is your body's way to show it needs some „fuel“. Be careful to take care of that the right way, instead of with food which will make your blood sugar drop significantly an hour after eating. The solution is to combine carbs with proteins. Carbs are a great source of fast-burning energy, but if you add fats or proteins, they will slow down your digestion keeping the sugar level stable for a while. The best such combination is an apple with peanut butter. Not only is it delicious, but it will provide you will lots of energy for quite a while.

For anxiety – eat salmon

Due to a large share of omega-three fatty acids, salmon is very good for the heart, but that same compound may help with depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, and similar conditions. Many plants also contain valuable omega-three fats, but experts point out that a particular form of fat in fish improves mood the most. Besides salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel will also help with anxiety.

For nervousness – drink green tea 

It is well known that tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, particularly green tea rich in theine, a substance that relaxes us and helps us to maintain a cool head and concentration. Therefore, when you are angry, drink a cup of this soothing beverage.

For depression – eat whole grains

Depression can be caused by a number of things, including vitamin D deficiency. One of the many tasks of this nutrient is to help in the production of the happy hormone serotonin, which makes us feel calm, relaxed and happy. Therefore, low levels of vitamin D can result in sadness and depression. To increase its intake consume low-fat milk, whole grains and mushrooms.

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