Saturday, 30 August 2014

30 Effective Home Remedies for Relieving Gas

Home Remedies for Relieving Gas

What is Gas?

Gas is one of the most embarrassing health problems, faced by the people. Gas is not a disease, but an indication to some other ill health condition. It causes various health disorders. According to the National Institutes of Health, when nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, and methane mix together, it forms intestinal gas. Intestinal gas is always present in the digestive track of a human body, from the stomach to rectum. If the intestinal gas is developed excessively, it causes severe problems, like burping, belching, or flatulence. When food stays in the stomach for a very long period of time, it puts a lot of pressure on the stomach and oesophagus. As a result, people suffer with the problem of indigestion as food requires acid for digestion. Thus, gas is produced when there is no sufficient acid in the stomach for digestion.

Things to Know

Gas is of two types, i.e. lower digestive gas and upper digestive gas. The upper digestive gas is formed by swallowing air while drinking or eating. It is passed out through the mouth in the form of burp. It can be trim down by bringing changes in the swallowing and chewing habits.
On the other side, lower digestive gas generates through the fermentation of food. It is passed out through anus. According to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, there are four ways through which, gas moves out from the digestive tract:
  • Belching
  • Passing out through anus or flatus
  • Absorption of gas into the blood
  • Consumption by intestinal bacteria


According to sources, almost 10-20 percent of adults suffer with digestive problem. We all are fond of eating according to our taste and likes, but we are not aware of its after-effects. Very few people know about the causes of the gastric trouble. Generally, gastric problems arise due to bacteria, named H Pylori. Some other causes of gas are:
  • Eating too spicy
  • Improper chewing of food
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Excessive drinking of alcohol
  • Swallowed air (if not burped up)
  • Regular habit of having excess sauces and condiments
  • Malfunctioning of intestines
  • Bacterial infection
  • Improper digestion
  • Habit of talking while eating
  • Chewing tobacco or smoking
  • Over-eating
  • Chewing gum or hard candy
  • Constipation
  • Use of artificial additives
  • Use of laxatives in excess


Some of the most common signs of gastric trouble are:
  • Knotted feeling in abdomen
  • Flatulence
  • Tightness and swelling in abdomen (Bloating)
  • Sharp punching cramps in abdomen
  • Excessive hiccups
  • Coated tongue
  • Bad breathe
  • Belching
  • Lack of appetite

Home Remedies for Gas

How to get rid of trapped gases? We all face a common and very embarrassing problem of gas and always try to find solutions to overcome it. It is believed that gastric troubles can be easily solved by natural remedies. Instead of seeking antibiotics, one should find natural ways for gas relief. Let us go through some natural and quick resulting home remedies for curing the gas trouble and pain.
1. Garlic
To get relieve from gas, garlic is the best option. It is known for its pungent and heating qualities, which will help in reducing the gastric fire. For proper digestion, one should have fresh garlic soup.
Boil some grinded garlic cloves in water. Add cumin seeds and black pepper in it. After boiling, strain it and let it cool down on room temperature. Drink the solution thrice a day for effective results.
2. Ginger
Ginger is the best medicine used for treatment of indigestion. It is considered to be a traditional cure for gastric trouble. To prevent gas and indigestion, one should regularly chew fresh garlic piece after having a meal.
If you do not want to chew it raw, add some dry pieces of garlic during the preparation of food. Drinking ginger tea is also effective in curing gas. Boil some ginger in hot water and strain it. Drink the tea twice or thrice a day.
Ginger oil is also used for getting relief from gas. Put 2-3 drops of ginger oil on the stomach and rub it thoroughly.
3. Black Pepper
Black pepper is considered to be best ayurvedic medicine for healing acidity and indigestion. Its properties help in increasing the hydrochloric acid release in the stomach. Take powdered pepper with jaggery to cure gastric irritation.
Take black pepper, ginger powder, coriander seeds, and dried mint leaves in equal quantity. Prepare a mixture after grinding them. Have a teaspoon of the mixture two times in a day.
Pepper can also be used with buttermilk.
4. Caraway Seeds (Kala Jeera)
Caraway seeds tea is used for healing gastric disorder. To prepare tea, add one teaspoon of caraway seeds in one cup of boiling water. Steep it for a few minutes. After steeping, strain the tea and drink it before having lunch or dinner.
Else, chew roasted caraway seeds mixed with rock salt.
5. Buttermilk
Freshly churned buttermilk is considered to best remedy for curing indigestion. It not only helps in healing gastric problem, but also keeps you fit and healthy. Add roasted powdered cumin seeds and a pinch of salt in buttermilk.
6. Cloves
Eat few pieces of cloves directly to get relief from gas pain. If chewing cloves tastes too pungent, use clove oil. It is one of the useful home remedy for bloating. It easily reduces gas pain in the stomach.
7. Fennel (Saunf)
Fennel is one of the common ingredients available in the kitchen. Chew fennel seeds to get instant relief in gas pain. Alternatively, fennel tea can also be used. Boil some water. Add tea leaves and crushed fennel seeds in it. Let it steep for a few minutes. Add jaggery syrup and a quarter cup of milk in it. Drink after straining the tea.
8. Warm Water
Sometimes, due to gas, we feel severe stomach ache and are unable to eat anything. We should drink warm water at regular intervals. This helps in maintaining water levels in the body and getting rid of the gas.
9. Asafoetida (Hing)
Add a pinch of asafoetida in a glass of warm water. Stir it well and drink the solution, three times in a day. Else, make a paste of asafoetida adding little water. Apply it directly on the stomach.
Take a wholly ripe banana, add a little quantity of asafoetida and eat it two times a day.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
Add 2-3 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water. Allow it to cool down at room temperature. Drink the solution to soothe the stomach-ache, caused due to gas.
Note: Normal vinegar can be used if the apple cider vinegar is not available.
11. Cardamom
Cardamom is a spice used to speed up the digestion process. While cooking vegetable or rice, add cardamom powder.
Chew pods of cardamom 2-3 times a day for removing gas trouble.
Prepare tea of fresh ginger, few pods of cardamom seeds, and a teaspoon of fennel seeds. Drink the warm tea, many times in a day.
12. Lemon And Baking Soda
Take a glass and squeeze juice of one fresh lemon in it. Put some baking soda in it. After adding baking soda to lemon juice, bubbles will start formulating. Add one cup of water with some more baking soda. Stir the solution, until, the baking soda gets dissolved. Drink the solution to get relief.
13. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is one of the essential ingredients to make the food tasty and also useful for medicinal purpose. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of warm milk. Add some honey and drink it after stirring well.
It can also be used in tea. Add cinnamon powder in boiling water. After steeping for some time, strain the tea. Drink it for healing gastric trouble.
14. Gooseberry (Amla)
Gooseberry is one of the best treatments used for curing several problems related to hair, stomach, heart, skin, etc. Every morning, amla juice should be taken on an empty stomach. It is rich in fibres and Vitamin C, which help in curing the problem of acidity and constipation.
15. Carom Seeds (Ajwain)
Carom seeds are very helpful in curing indigestion, nausea, and gastric trouble. Take a half teaspoon of carom seeds. Crush it in your hand to remove the strong smell. Mix asafoetida and salt. Chew it or swallow it with water.
16. Turmeric Leaves
Turmeric is known for its medicinal properties. Take some turmeric leaves and grind them. Mix them in a glass of milk. Then, drink it. It will alleviate the gastric trouble.
17. Potato Juice
Take some potatoes and grind them. Take out the juice by squeezing the grinded potatoes. Drink the juice before having meals. For better results, drink the juice three times a day.
18. Guava Leaves
Put some guava leaves in water. Allow them to boil in water. After boiling, strain the leaves and drink the water.
19. Brandy
Brandy is also used for healing gastric troubles. Put two teaspoons of brandy in a glass of warm water. Stir it well and drink it before going to sleep.
20. Dill (Lao Coriander) Oil
Dill is a herbal remedy for gas. Add one drop of Dill oil in a teaspoon of honey and gulp it.
Note: Pregnant women are not recommended to use Dill oil.
21. Activated Charcoal
Charcoal is known for drawing excess gas from the intestines of a human body. Take one charcoal tablet before and after having a meal. It is easily available at health food stores.
22. Celery Leaves (Ajmud)
To get relief in gastric pain and irritation, chew some celery leaves.
23. Onion
Extract juice of some onions. Drink the extracted juice to get relief in gastric problems.
24. Herbal Tea
Prepare tea of raspberry, mint, blackberry, and chamomile. Drink this herbal tea to improve the digestion process.
25. Coconut Water
Coconut water possesses a lot of proteins. You should drink coconut water to get relief in gastric troubles. If coconut water is regularly consumed, body becomes rich in proteins.
26. Organic Parsley
Consuming fresh parsley is beneficial for digestion. Either as a dried spice or freshly minced parsley should be added in food. This helps in preventing intestinal gas problem.
27. Colon Cleanse
Perform a colon cleanse for 7 regular days. This will help in removing various health issues, including gastric trouble. After the 7-days colon cleanse, start oxygen colon cleanse, two or three times in a week. This will remove the toxic agents from the body.
28. Dandelion Tea
Take dandelion roots and prepare their tea. This herbal tea helps in healing the problem of gas.
Dandelion can also be used as a spice in meals, which is as effective as tea.
29. Fasting
Our stomach is also a machine. If it is pressurised a lot, it starts to function improperly. So, fasting can be a remedy to provide rest to stomach. Two or three days fasting helps in removing those toxic agents that cause gas and irritation in the stomach.
30. Peppermint
Peppermint tea is helpful in healing stomach gas. Put some peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water. After boiling properly, strain it. Before drinking this herbal tea, add some honey to it.
Chew fresh peppermint leaves for getting instant relief from gas. Alternatively, add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil in half cup of cool water. Drink this water two or three times a day.

Homeopathic Remedies for Gas

Other than these simple and quick home remedies, severe gas pain can also be relieved by some the following homeopathic remedies:
  • Pulsatilla : It is used when indigestion is at its worst and is caused by consuming fatty and rich foods.
  • Nux Vomica : It is used when one suffers with stomach pain and the urge to vomit. It works best for those, who are overindulged in alcohol, stimulants and food.
  • Natrum phosphoricum : It is used when a person suffers from indigestion due to consumption of a lot of dairy products or sugar.
  • Natrum carbonicum : It is used for healing digestive problems.
  • Colocynthis : It is used for healing cramping pain in the stomach.
  • Bryonia : A remedy for heavy stomach.
  • Arsenicum album : It is used when stomach and oesophagus are troubled with restless pain.
  • Carbo vegetabilis : It is used when digestion is too slow and incomplete.

Prevention Measures

Here are some preventive measures that one should follow to shun gastric troubles:
  • Wear loose clothes.
  • Do regular exercises to shun stomach gas.
  • Avoid spicy food.
  • Don’t use a straw to have drinks as it may make you gulp down more air.
  • Eat light and healthy meals.
  • Avoid anxiety, depression, and stress. Stay calm.
  • Avoid dairy and poultry products.
  • Don’t drink aerated drinks.
  • After having meal, don’t sleep. Instead, go for a walk.
  • Chew your food properly.
  • Drink a lot of water to avoid health problems.

Home Remedies, Treatment for Headache


25 Home Remedies for Headache

What is Headache?

Headache is the pain or discomfort, which arises in the head or upper neck. Though, brain does not have any nerves that originate the pain, but swelling in the periosteum (a membrane that surrounds the brain’s surface, nerves, veins, arteries, spinal cord, sinuses, ears and eyes) causes the pain. You may experience mild, throbbing, intense, constant, or sharp.


Headaches are not only caused by tension or stress. There are various other causes of headache, which are:
  • Sinus
  • Migraine
  • Hangover
  • Long time exposure to sun
  • Tiredness
  • Hunger
  • Eyestrain
  • Allergy
  • Tension
  • Skipped meals
  • Poor body posture
  • Stress
  • Alcohol intake (specially red wine)
  • Lack of sleep
  • Changes in season
  • Lack of a nutritious diet
  • Certain fragrances or smell
  • Certain hair accessories, like tight-fitting hair bands, hats, etc.
  • Hormonal changes
  • Smoking
  • Having ice-creams


When a person suffers with headache, he experiences the following symptoms:
  • Dull ache affecting entire head.
  • Pain during sleep, which lasts for at least 90 minutes.
  • Migraine starts with a mild to moderate pain and then, turn severe.
  • Throbbing sensation
  • Sensitivity to sound and light
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Redness of eye
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nasal congestion
  • Fever and dizziness
  • Unclear vision and fatigue
  • Constant pain in forehead, cheekbones, and bridge of the nose.

Home Remedies for Headache

Headache is the most common health problem, visible in adults, children and aged persons. It is mainly the result of overdriven lifestyle. Headaches occur in different forms, like cluster headache, migraine headache, tension headache, or hangover-type headache. In all these types of headache, the pain is very severe and affects the normal routine. Here are some natural and herbal home remedies, which are beneficial for instant headache relief. These remedies are also effective for migraine headaches.
1. Mint Juice
Mint contains components, namely methane and menthol, which are helpful in reducing pain in the head. Mint is helpful for those, who suffer migraine headache. You can simply put mint tea compresses directly on your forehead.
Take some fresh mint leaves. Crush it and squeeze out its juice. Place it directly on the forehead to relieve pain.
Coriander juice can also be used for getting rid of the headache.
2. Ginger
Ginger is helpful in working against the inflammation of blood vessels, present in the head. It relieves discomfort. Take a cup of water and add some tea leaves and ginger to it. Add sugar and milk as per your taste. Drink the tea, two times a day.
You can also inhale vapours of ginger. Add some raw ginger or ginger powder in water. Boil it and intake its vapours to feel calmness.
Else, take ginger juice and lemon juice in equal proportion. Mix it and drink it twice a day.
You can also form a paste of two tablespoons of water and one teaspoon of ginger powder. Stir it well and apply it directly on forehead.
The simplest way to avoid headache is to chew crystallized ginger candy.
3. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is one of the best home remedies for headache. It helps in opening and closing the vessels in the head, which accelerates the flow of blood. It ultimately reduces headache. Take some peppermint oil and gently massage it on your forehead, temples, and back of jaws.
Other option is to crush the peppermint and place it directly on forehead.
Steaming can also prove beneficial. You are required to put a few drops of peppermint oil in boiling water. Now, inhale the steam or vapours for some time to reduce the head pain.
You can also place peppermint tea bags directly on eyelids for five minutes to experience a soothing relief.
4. Ice Pack
During headache, you feel very low and warm. To reduce the inflammation, ice can be used. To get relief in migraine pain, rub some ice on the back of your neck.
For headache, you need to dip a clean washcloth in cold water and put it directly on your forehead. Leave it for five minutes. Repeat the process multiple times, maintaining the time gap.
Apart from this, you can also use frozen vegetable bag for cold compress.
5. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is known for its calming and soothing effects. It is commonly known as a relaxant and is the best treatment for headache. Boil some water in a vessel. Add a few drops of lavender oil in it. Inhale the steam to get relaxed. For best results, practise this method multiple times a day.
Alternatively, apply some lavender oil on the forehead. This remedy will help you to relieve pain.
Note- Lavender oil cannot be taken orally.
6. Basil
Basil is known for its medicinal properties. It can be beneficial for severe headache. Take some fresh basil leaves and put it in a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for some time. Then, drink it.
You can also chew some fresh basil leaves when you suffer from a mild headache.
7. Cloves
Cloves are useful in curing tension headaches. Crush some cloves and wrap them in a piece of cloth. When you suffer with headache, inhale the smell of crushed cloves. This will surely provide you relief in headache.
You can also make a paste by crushing some cloves and apply it directly on forehead.
Other option is to use clove oil with some salt. Mix it and gently rub it on your forehead. You will get relief in headache with a cooling effect.
8. Rosemary
The rosmarinic acid, found in rosemary, is helpful in healing headache. Take some rosemary oil and massage it on the head to relieve pain.
You can also make a herbal tea of rosemary. Take some rosemary leaves and crush them. Now, put the crushed leaves in water to boil and add one teaspoon of sage leaves in it. Cover the boiling water and let the tea cool down at room temperature. Drink this herbal tea twice or thrice a day.
9. Apples
Apples are very effective against headache. All you need to do is to eat an apple daily. For best results, sprinkle some salt on it. It maintains the acid levels of the body.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and stir it well. Drink the solution to heal the headache.
11. Cinnamon
Headaches, associated with common cold, can be treated with the help of cinnamon. Take a stick of cinnamon and crush it. Add some water to make a smooth paste. Put the paste on the head for a few minutes.
You can also mix two teaspoons of cinnamon powder in 1½ cup of milk and boil it for two minutes. Mix a teaspoon of honey in it and stir it well. Drink the mixture two times a day to get relief in headache.
12. Green Tea
Green tea, generally regarded as a health-promoting drink, is rich in antioxidants. Squeeze half lemon in it and drink it warm. It is a natural remedy to cure headache.
13. Watermelon
Add one tablespoon of sugar in a glass of watermelon juice. Stir it well and drink it.You can also prepare watermelon smoothie. Blend two cups seeded watermelon, half cup of yogurt, half cup of crushed ice, half teaspoon grated ginger, and some honey. Drink it to get relief in headache.
14. Massage
Massage is the best remedy for headache. To get temporary relief, massage your neck, shoulders, head, and back. Rub your temples smoothly and massage under the areas of eyebrows to get relief in headache. You can place  wet warm cloth on the face before massage to let muscles relax.
Note- Before starting massage, drink a glass of water.
15. Relaxation Activities
Relaxation activities help in reducing stress, which ultimately prevents headache. Some relaxing activities include listening to music, deep breathing and get enough sleep. You can also try some exercises to relieve headache.
16. Warm Shower or Bath
Hot water is used for treating various health issues. You should take hot water shower to relieve headache. During the shower or bath, let the hot water flow over the back and neck area of your body. The heat of water will lessen muscle tension, thereby alleviating headache.
You can also soak yourself in hot water tub for some time.
17. Hydrotherapy
In this therapy, you are required to stand in hot water for two minutes and then, in cold water for two minutes. This process will regulate the flow of blood. Practise the process for 20 minutes.
18. Spicy Food
To get relief in headache, you can also have some spicy food. You can grab some hot pepper or spicy salsa. You can also sprinkle some pepper flakes or cayenne on your food. Capsaicin is also effective for curing headache.
19. Sesame Seeds
To prevent migraine pain, sesame seeds are very effective. As they are enriched in vitamin E, sesame seeds are helpful in stabilizing the oestrogen levels. Sesame seeds are also rich in magnesium, which increase the headache-preventing power.
20. Physical Exercises
For treating headache, physical exercises are good remedies. Yoga provides fruitful results in healing several health problems. Camel pose is also effective in curing headache.
Sit in a comfortable and quite place. Relax your body while concentrating on breathing.
You can also enjoy 10 minutes walk or do some stretching exercises, including rolling your neck, forward and upward movement of shoulder, and neck isometrics.
21. Spinach Salad
Spinach is helpful in alleviating headache. Prepare salad of some spinach leaves. Add ¾ cup of cubed watermelon, ½ cup of dried apricots and two tablespoon chopped almonds or walnuts. Sprinkle some raspberry vinaigrette in it. Have it.
22. Yogurt
Yogurt is a great source of calcium. The brain is dependent on calcium to function effectively. When you are suffering with headache, eat some yogurt.
Note- Don’t add sugar to it.
23. Baked Potato
Baked potato is rich in potassium, which helps in soothing pain in the head. If your headache is caused by alcohol, baked potato is effective.
24. Darkened Room
Turn off the lights and rest for ten minutes in darkness. Close your eyes and relax. Sometimes, reducing the sensory input is the best way to get rid of throbbing pain in the head.
25. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds can heal the pain in the head. During headache, eat some raw pumpkin seeds. They are rich in magnesium sulphate, which are helpful in curing headache.

Homeopathic Remedies for Headache

Homeopathic treatments are safe to help a headache. The best part is that they do not cause any side-effect. Though, homeopathy works slowly, but, it will ultimately cure the headache. Below are some homeopathic remedies for pain in the head.
1. Natrum muriaticum : It is used for severe migraine and hammering headaches. When you feel tingling or numbness on the face or lips and sensitivity to light before headache, you can take this medicine.
2. Sepia : When pain comes in jerks or shocks, and the person feels comfortable lying on the painful side, this homeopathic remedy is advised. This medicine also works wonder when left-sided migraines are accompanied with nausea and dizziness, and the headache worsens during menopause or menstrual periods.
3. Sanguinaria : It is used when person suffers with tension, bursting feeling in eyes, and digestive problems during migraine and headaches.
4. Belladonna : When there is a throbbing head pain, and migraine starts in back of skull and spread to the forehead and temples, belladonna is used.
5. Silicea : It is used when headache starts throbbing in the right side and occurs due to mental exertion.
6. Nux Vom 200C : It is used when a person suffers with typical hangover-type headache and brain feels like swirling.
7. Glonoinum 200C : It is used when there is an extreme pain in the head and throbbing in ears. This homeopathic remedy is useful in cases, when headache surfaces due to long sitting in the sun.

Preventive Measures for Headache

To reduce the severity of headaches, follow some preventive measures, which are given below:
  • Reduce the stress.
  • Simplify your life.
  • Practise aerobic activities, like swimming, biking, and walking.
  • Avoid the smoking.
  • Avoid intake of nitrites and nitrates.
  • FDA- approved Botox injections can be effective against headache.
  • Eat the right food.
  • Stay calm and positive.
  • Avoid dairy products, red wine, chocolates, and caffeine.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Avoid strain on eyes.
  • Practise some acupressure massage.
  • Dry eyes causes headache. So, use soothing eye drops.
  • Moderate alcohol consumption.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and pickles.